
Spurgeon Root, MA

Spurgeon Root, MA

Spurgeon Root has been involved in inner-city youth and adult outreach work in a variety of roles and capacities for over 20 years. He is passionate about seeing the lives of marginalized people transformed. His work includes holding various positions with community-based organizations and agencies in the City of Regina. For example, Spurgeon worked with Street Culture Project, where he managed and led maintenance and construction projects for the agency whose focus is to provide outreach support to high-risk youth. Through Healing Hearts Ministries, Spurgeon managed the Healing Hands program and its two shops: True Wheels (bicycles) and Noah’s Wood Craft (woodworking). He is currently Case Manager and responsible for Program Development with Regina Treaty/Status Indian Services: Men’s Wellness Unit. Spurgeon also served as Outreach Chaplain with Regina Anti-Gang Services. He is currently completing a doctoral program, leading to a PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy.